For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
Psalm 139:13-16
An often read Psalm today means so much more to me than it did a week ago. The truth that I have believed for many years is so much sweeter today. Today marks one week. One week since the birth of another cousin. I didn't really grow up a whole bunch of kids in the family other than my two brothers. Seeing as my mother and father are the only ones who thought it would be a good idea to have more than one kid and the fact that my mom's brother and sister are several years younger than her I was 14 before another youngin' was added to the bunch in Piedmont. It has been a joy though to be able to love on babies and babysit for my younger cousins. I digress. Brinkley James Holder was born to my uncle and aunt at 34 weeks. Brinkley came in at a whooping 3.2 pounds. Though I have yet to touch his tiny toes or hold his small hands this sweet boy is precious to me. Brinkley isn't only a preemie but also has been diagnosed with down syndrome. Many people in this world would look at this child and see no hope. They might even say his life will be worthless. But when I see that sweet face I see a boy who has been fearfully and wonderfully made. My Father in heaven has formed his body and He knows the steps which lie before him. My Father looks at Brinkley and says, "It is good." I am looking forward to watch Brinkley grow and develop and to experience the joy which I know he will bring to everyone his life touches. In just a week many people have been able to see his life and say "The Lord is good." If only people could look at each day of my life and see the goodness of the Lord. My soul truly sees this psalm in a new light. My soul now knows well the wonderful works of the Lord.
Brinkley still has a long road ahead of him. Please join with us and pray for the little guy! We do know he will have to have heart surgery (probably at the beginning of the new year). Also, pray for his new family as mom, dad, and Reese (his big brother) adjust to the change of having a new baby.
sweet Brinkley
eyes wide open! Brinkley's first day to wear clothes
The Holders' (first new family photo)
the excited Big Brother!
And I got to spend time with the Big Brother while the little guy's mom and dad were still in the hospital!

My prayer for Brinkley is a prayer that I have began to pray for my own life and that is that people would see his life and unmistakably see the love, grace, mercy, and redemptive power of Jesus. That they would see him and see that the Lord has been at work in him and through him.
So sweet little Brinkley I can't wait to hold you. I look forward to look back on this day and be able to say thank you to the almighty God we serve. To praise the Lord for how far you have come since week one. I love you already and pray that you know today that you sweet boy are loved by many many people and that the God who formed your body has big plans for your little life.