
needy people

So I have had the privilege to leave the country three times in my short time. Each time I pack my bags, grab my passport, and head to the airport I realize just how fortunate I am. What a joy it is to experience cultures and the past two weeks in Bangladesh did not disappoint.

Sometimes in our lives I am convinced we too often forget that there is a world outside of our own. A great big world that is. So often I take ever second of my life for granted. I expect things to be easy. Expect life to give me the material things I am convinced are necessities. computers, cars, the newest iPhone, new outfit for every event in life, a new bag every Fall, new sunglasses for the summer, a new pair of shoes because it's Tuesday.. my list could go on forever. I find myself wondering if this is how the entire world lives. I do think to a degree the answer is yes. In our sinfulness we desire and expect all things that will help promote self. This is a constant battle for me and often a reminder when I am reading a few other blogs about living with less. And when I find myself at my worst the Lord grants me an opportunity to see for myself the other side of the world...

Bangladesh. Many of you have probably never heard of this tiny country on the east side of India. You should go look at a world map now. What a lovely place! I can genuinely say I love these people. They have the biggest eyes and sweetest smiles. Though par American standards this place would be considered dirty and stinky. Those words may be true but I think maybe America just might be missing the real beauty of this country. And that beauty is found in the people.

My time in Bangladesh seemed so short. I believe had I not had other obligations to be back I might have just stayed a little while longer! sorry mom... While there yes my heart was greatly broken for the weak and impoverished.  You can't walk out the door without being slapped in the face with the needs of people. It's everywhere, people asking for taka (money) or just a bite to eat, or a sip of water. The numbers of people who are in need of so many things is possibly immeasurable. If I lived there it would be hard for me not to become numb to these needs. I think so often I become so very numb to the needs of my own life and the needs of the people around me every day. I go on about life as though I have enough strength in myself to take on the day by myself. I have this facade of superwoman. I am unaware that I have many needs and the greatest of those needs is Jesus. While in Bangladesh or any third world country it is easy to think that I have it so much better and I have so much to offer these people. But the truth is I have nothing to offer these people or anyone for that matter but Jesus. The Lord has blessed me with so much and I might be able to satisfy a physical need or two but they will soon find themselves back where they started. My greatest need, your greatest need, and the greatest need around the world is all the same. The need of Jesus. May we all be needy people. May I find myself each day like a beggar at the feet of Jesus begging for more of him!

Stay tuned for more of what two weeks in Bangladesh did to me.