
living in it but not of it


Oh what a complex this has become for me recently. The past couple of weeks there has been in me a consistent awareness that I was not made for this world, that I belong to a place far greater. Since coming to faith at an early age I have been told this truth of being in the world but not of it. Never have I questioned or argued this statement of scripture. Recently in a women's bible study the comment was made of just how difficult this is. The scripture we were studying was Colossians 3:1-4, seek the things that are above...set your minds on things above not on earthly things... Our pastor read the week before a quote of what the puritans would say are the hinderances in our mediation and their conclusion was that we think too little of Heaven. Then tonight I sat and listened to a girl who is maybe 2 years my elder and has spent the past six years in Honduras. She made reference several times to our citizenship not being here on earth.

Needless to say I have been reminded of my thoughts and heart to be heavenward. So it seems natural for me to have an uneasiness of my current state but I am honestly unsure. In this study of Colossians I have been challenged to really examine my roots and my fruits. Where am I digging deep roots and upon what is my foundation? Is my life bearing fruit and are people seeing in me fruits of the Spirit? In these questions my thoughts and heart have been focused on Christ. For it is in Him alone that I build my foundation, I dig roots in the Word, and because of Christ in me I have the ability to bear fruit. As I continue to learn what this really looks like in the life of the believer I believe I am seeing that when I am not living with my mind set on things above I should be uneasy about my living. I go to the foot of the cross in repentance of living selfishly. I ask the Lord for forgiveness of my sins of omission, for not living and speaking of Christ, His work on the cross, His resurrection, and His victory over sin and death. I have in me life, that is Christ and that life is bursting to be let out and shared with everyone.

So in conclusion, I think I am gaining a greater understanding of what it means to be in the world but not of the world. My life should be lived and be an example of my satisfaction found in Christ. In that fact I should not be seeking things of the world to some how be a greater satisfaction. My living in the world is done with a purpose. That purpose being my complete satisfaction found in Christ, my sanctification, and making Christ known in my neighborhood, my city, my state, and the world!

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