
Back to it...

Well the first week back on campus is just about over and let me tell you we hit the ground running!! We had freshmen move in day Friday and events on campus just about every night since then. This year was my first freshmen move I. Day since my own about four years ago. To say the I felt old, but it can be refreshing when people told me they would have pinned me as a sophomore. I hear I'll be greatful for that one day. We have met some pretty cool freshmen and I'm looking forward to build friendships with these girls!

We also have been in the midst of figuring out discipleship groups. Please pray for those. My staff partner Kelly and I continue to ask for God's wisdom and discernment in this area. We have 20 girls we are trying to think for this semester. That's more girls than I have ever had to personally think for. I continually realize I cannot do it without my Heavenly Father.
Over the past few weeks I've been studying First Peter and for some reason the Lord keeps showing me where my character lacks... That's always a joy! But also keeps pointing me to Christ as my example and leading me back to my Cornerstone. Sometimes I wonder why the Lord is so faithful to us in and out of season and He reminds me of his love for me! Chew on that today the Lord loves you for you. And he wants good for you. But just maybe what's best for you in a season of darkness.
Oh and just thought I might brother Jamie is engaged!!