
joining in on the fun!

So today I am finally joining in on of the with Miscellany Monday from lowercase letters. Every Monday my friend Carissa writes on the miscellaneous things of her life. So here i go...

1. I love birthdays. And there is nothing better than celebrating birthdays with friends. Last Monday I turned 25 which I have been a little hesitant about but there is no stopping time! So I'm 25 and a week today and so far so good.

2. We had our Fall Retreat this past weekend in Rock Hill. We spent all day Saturday at Carowinds and that is when I began to realize that i wasn't 18 anymore. By the end of the day I was exhausted! The weekend was great though. I had lots of good time with the girls from CSU. We also heard the gospel clearly presented 3 times and the students were challenged to make Jesus their treasure.

3. Completely random but I wanted to share! Please visit this website! There is a family at my church here is Charleston who is raising funds to build a home and start a ministry near the hospital downtown for families who have to come to MUSC children's hospital for an extended period of time. Check out there story and there journey over the past two years. But if you are going to be in Charleston on December 1 register for the second annual Ansley's attempt! They need 3300 people to make this happen!

4. So it's been over a month since sweet little Brinkley was born! Little Brinkley is still in the hospital and still needs your prayers. He continues to have a little difficulty with feeding. Yesterday the family got to meet Brinkley through the window they were all so excited! Here's a video of the meeting! Thanks Stephanie for sharing!

              (I stole these photos from my aunt...I wish that i could have been this close though)


  1. you're welcome :) wish you could've been there with us. i apologize for my less than perfect videography skills!

  2. Happy belated birthday! You are cute. 25 looks good on you. :)
