
a new year

Happy New Year...a few days late! 2013 has a lot to offer, just as each day in our precious lives that the Lord sees fit for us to live. This year the Lord I serve is still the same and he still offers us His grace.   As I look back on 2012 and look forward to 2013 there is one thing I desire. C.H.A.N.G.E. Crazy I have never really longed for this other than a change in scenery (which I absolutely lloooovvve). This change is desired in my life. I do not want to look back on one day and say I lived the same day twice. I desire every day to be conformed...conformed to the image of my Savior, Jesus.

The past month has been preparing me for just that. The season on anxiousness, prayer, and uncertainty pushed me to cling to Jesus' faithfulness, cling to His promise to be my strength, be my families strength. Learning that (and i've been told this a ton) it's okay to care. It's actually preferred. I want to be  so drastically broken for the things of God's heart that I am brought to tears often (that would be a huge change). If you know most of my family you know that tears are seen often for sometimes the silliest things. Example: My grandmother cried this christmas because we got her a robot vacuum. It doesn't take much. But for me I have the curse of my father.... I cry when I try to speak in public...almost every time. But this time my tears were fear, sadness, and wonder.

That's just one example of how I want to change, but this all takes boldness. And you got it that's my word. My word for 2013 is BOLDNESS. I am sick of living in fear and living in this world that I allow control me. I want to live in boldness because I have been set free! My chains are gone! I want to have to boldness to change. To be someone better than I was in 2012. I take risk for the gospel. I proclaim the name of Jesus with confidence. I want to be bold to take steps towards sanctification knowing this is going to hurt and cost me much. I desire to have the boldness to show my weaknesses. The boldness to let go of this idea of control I have. I want my boldness to be an example of Christ.

As I look forward I can honestly say I have no idea what the Lord has in store for me along this journey, but I do know that I will follow Him each step of the way. As someone once said "I don't know what my future holds, but I do know who holds it" and I promise to be bold as I take steps forward.

This is a side, but exciting note. As many of you know with Campus Outreach we attend a conference each December. It is my privilege to tell you that one of our girls came to know Christ during the conference this year! It was exciting to see the time and prays invested pay off. We love this sweet girl, but we love even more the God that has and is radically changing her life! Rejoice with us and those of you who support my ministry here at CSU know you are storing up many riches in heaven!

Here are some photos from the conference

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